From my sermon at the student mass last Sunday.
wedding garment
and feasting are very much the theme in the first reading and the
gospel today. The feast in Isaiah is in the context of a whole
chapter giving thanks to God who has done away with the oppressor.
Apparently the oppressor had a citadel in the midst of Jerusalem and
this citadel had been completely destroyed. It was time to rejoice
and be thankful.
this victory, welcome though it undoubtedly was, was only one stage –
the great hope is the “feast for all peoples”. After Judgement
God will destroy death – the covering over all peoples, the veil
spread over the nations will be destroyed; God will swallow death
we turn to the parable of the wedding banquet in the gospel today, we
notice that the parable has two parts. We can clearly understand the
meaning of the first part because it parallels the parable of the
wicked tenants of the vineyard we heard last Sunday. The king's
invited guests are not responding despite the sending out of servants to
call them to the banquet (the servants being the prophets). The
guests deal wickedly with the servants and murder them and then the
king despatches his troops and deals with them by killing them and
burning down the town. Then servants call everyone from highways and
byways, good and bad alike, to come to the banquet. This refers to the call of the gentiles into the kingdom of God.
well and good. But the second part of the parable takes a different
turn. The new guests are arriving and entering into the king's
banqueting hall. The king is looking over the guests. And he picks
out someone who is not dressed appropriately, and they are thrown out
into the outer darkness.
you are wondering about this and what it could mean, you are not
alone. Over the centuries many have wondered at its meaning. As with
all the parables we are not to take it literally – it is not
referring to impropriety in dressing wrongly for mass, or an other
occasion. So what is it? What has this man done to deserve this
first thing to recognise is that it is not to do with any misfortune
that the man has experienced – he isn't victimised because he is
poor, for example. I read in the commentaries that wedding garments
would have been provided for the poor. So in the story this man had
chosen not to dress like everyone else. What therefore does this
St Gregory the Great and St Augustine agree what this wedding garment
signifies, and I gladly take their suggestion above all the various
other suggestions I have heard preachers give.
Augustine and St Gregory say that the wedding garment is the
Christian virtue of love (what used to be called
charity). St Augustine refers us to St Paul's words in
his first letter to the Corinthians:
I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not
love(charity), I am nothing.
man had nothing to answer, the robe had been offered to him and he had
decided not to wear it. We too are offered the grace it is up to us
whether we avail ourselves of it.
St Augustine, St Gregory or indeed St Paul used the word “love”
they were not talking about the natural affection or emotion of love
that we usually mean in common speech today. [This is one of the
most confusing/misleading aspects of the modern world – the
corruption or prostitution of so many wonderful words.] And it is
imperative that we as Christians know what we mean by love.
the wedding garment in the parable is not about how disposed we are
to feel love towards people or indeed God. God does not command us
to be luvvie-dovies!
natural instinct and sentiment of love drives us towards having or
possessing what we desire. Whereas the Christian virtue of love is
almost the opposite. It is not a drive, but the operation of grace
leading to self-offering to God. It is not about possessing
something but giving self. It is not about getting more for myself,
but sacrifice. This Christian virtue of love is not dependant on
emotions but involves a free act of will. God provides the grace, we
must freely choose to receive it.
the man in the parable is the one who while being offered the grace
of divine love, refuses it; but in refusing it, as St Paul says,
becomes nothing (that is true outer darkness).
commandment to love God is at the very heart of Christianity and
Judaism. Our Lord endorses the core Jewish precept, “hear O
Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord
thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might.” (Dt 6:4-5)
get further confused by the use of heart here. We tend to use heart
nowadays as the seat of our emotional life, but for the ancient Jew,
he thought with his heart – he felt emotions with his bowels. And
as we see bowels are not mentioned in the above list. God is not
commanding us to feel love – we might or we might not, it
does not matter so much.
Christian virtue of love is a patient and humble love. It does not
try to possess or control. It is not full of itself but
self-emptying. The Christian virtue of love is the drawing of all
the energies and virtues of the soul towards God – unifying the
whole soul and directing it towards God. This is of course perfect
love but every Christian should desire this and strive after such
is by growing in divine love that we draw closer to eternal
blessedness – the true banquet of heaven. As we grow in such love
we grow in the true knowledge of God, and the soul is energised for
good. As we mature in such love, results matter less, just the
knowledge of doing the will of God is all that matters.
How? How do we avail ourselves of such love? There is only one
source of such love: God Himself. And no technique or method will
avail ourselves of His grace. We must spend time offering ourselves
to Him in prayer and allow Him the room to send His grace into our
hearts. The great challenge for us today, in the busyness of modern
living, is to make sure we give God enough time, that we avail
ourselves of the wedding garment He has provided for us. Lest when
we come to the wedding banquet of heaven, we find we have not put on
the garment of divine love, and we are nothing!
8 Oct 2011
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