Thursday, 12 July 2012

No controversy? Contraceptives instead of Respect for women.

Melinda Gates and her partners, including the British government and the world's largest abortion providers, have launched a $4 billion campaign to push birth control for poor women in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Ms. Gates claims that there is "no controversy" in powerful groups and governments promoting birth control for poor women, but here are the facts:

Melinda Gates' favorite form of birth control is Depo Provera. But hormonal contraceptives, particularly injectable methods like Depo Provera, have been shown to increase the transmission rate of HIV/AIDS.

At the UN's 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Western elites' language of population control was officially changed to the language of "equality," "sustainability" and "reproductive health." The population control tactics, however, did not change.

Melinda Gates' partners, Marie Stopes International and International Planned Parenthood Foundation, were founded by leaders in the early eugenics and population control movements, and who were very open about the fact that they did not like the idea of poor people of color having children.

Several types of hormonal contraceptives have been labeled Group-1 Carcinogens - the same category as cigarettes and asbestos - by the World Health Organization.

There are documented health problems caused by the pill and other hormonal contraceptives.

Many nations continue to use coercive means to stop women from having children, most notoriously in China, India and Uzbekistan.

Reflections on Worship in Sacrifice