A blog of the Ordinariate Groups found in Devon and Cornwall: Torbay, St Austell and Buckfast.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Only in self-giving does man discover the breadth of his existence
In his speech to the Roman Curia, Pope Benedict XVI reviewed the apostolic journeys he made in the past year, with a special emphasis on World Congress of Families in Milan. The Milan meeting, he said shows that "the family is still strong and vibrant today" but he added "there is no denying the crisis that threatens it to its foundations -- especially in the western world". The Pope recognized the widespread refusal in today's world "to make any commitment" as one of the biggest challenges to family life. Only in self-giving, noted Pope Benedict "does man...discover the breadth of his humanity. When such commitment is repudiated, the key figures of human existence likewise vanish: father, mother, child ...
Reflections on the theme of Worship through reflecting on the sacrifices of the Old Testament: Introduction Sacrifice of Abel Sacrifice of ...
StEdwards · Homily Friday Of Easter 7
An Examination of Conscience for Lent reflecting on Christ’s Suffering and Passion on the Cross by Fr Dylan James “The Cross ex...