Here is a video of the address given by Anne Widdecombe at a fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage. While of course I am not suggesting support for any political party, I think this is a good example of Miss Widdecombe's oratory and gives an idea of what it would be like to hear her speak.
In February (20th), the Plymouth Catholic Student Society is hosting a talk by the Rt Hon Anne Widdecombe at Plymouth University which is open to members of the public to come along, and in particular local Catholics. It will take place at 12.30pm and is in the Rolle Building (room 605). The title of her address will be "Catholics going to prison for their faith? Could it happen in Britain today?" It is likely to be a lively and rewarding address.
A blog of the Ordinariate Groups found in Devon and Cornwall: Torbay, St Austell and Buckfast.
Reflections on the theme of Worship through reflecting on the sacrifices of the Old Testament: Introduction Sacrifice of Abel Sacrifice of ...
StEdwards · Homily Friday Of Easter 7
An Examination of Conscience for Lent reflecting on Christ’s Suffering and Passion on the Cross by Fr Dylan James “The Cross ex...