Buckfast Abbey, St Michael's Chapel
2pm Sunday Mass Followed by refreshments in the hall.
We use the Ordinariate's own rite authorised by the Holy See, called Divine Worship. We sing the propers to simple psalm tones and usually sing one traditional hymn. We use a simple tone for the Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus in Latin, or in English sung to Merbecke.
From Palm Sunday to Easter Day (inclusive) members of the Ordinariate attend the Abbey's liturgy or join with their brethren at Our Lady's in Chelston.
(No Mass on Christmas Day)
Our Lady of Walsingham with St Cuthbert Mayne, Chelston, Torquay
Old Mill Road, Chelston, TQ2 6HJ
Sunday Mass 11am
Contact Fr Lashbrooke for further details.
St Augustine, St Austell, Cornwall
5.00pm Sunday Mass
Wednesdays 6pm
For information: The Ordinariate is part of the Roman Catholic Church. Although it is not part of the diocesan structure, all Roman Catholics may receive the sacrament at an Ordinariate mass as they do in a parish of the diocese. Members of the Ordinariate were formerly members of the Church of England but have been brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome to join us in worship and we are very happy to address questions you might have after mass; we do ask that non-Roman Catholic visitors respect the discipline of The Catholic Church with regard to receiving Communion; that receiving Communion is a sign of unity of faith and belief, and a real communion with the See of Peter. There are only exceptional circumstances when non-Roman Catholics may receive permission to receive Communion.
Click here for more details about the Ordinariate