A blog of the Ordinariate Groups found in Devon and Cornwall: Torbay, St Austell and Buckfast.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Ordination of Anthony Cockram
Deacon Anthony Cockram was ordained to the sacred priesthood by the Bishop of Plymouth, Mark O'Toole, on Saturday 21st June, in the Church of Christ the King, Plymouth. Fr Anthony, a former Anglican clergyman, received approval from the Holy See and also dispensation from clerical celibacy, and so at the behest of the Ordinary, Mgr Keith Newton, Bishop Mark graciously ordained Tony.
The Ordination took place at Christ the King Catholic Church in Plymouth. This was only the second ordination to take place in the building's history. The Ordinariate requested that the west-facing altar be pushed aside and the original ad orientum altar be used. This orientation is the norm for masses in the Ordinariate, but it also worked very well at Christ the King as this meant sufficient space was freed in order for Fr Anthony to prostrate for the Litany and also for his brother priests to each lay hands upon him (as you can see in the photo above). Many commented how lovely the church was that afternoon.
The Ordinariate is extremely grateful for Bishop Mark's gracious words at the Ordination and for taking the time to fit us in, in his busy schedule. We were sorry of course that the Ordinary couldn't be with us but understood he needed to be with his family in Liverpool preparing for the funeral of his mother, who had died earlier in the week.
Congratulations to Fr Anthony, a new priest in the Catholic Church, and a new priest in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Fr Ian
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