Sunday, 3 May 2020

Good Shepherd Sunday

Today is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, and also Vocations Sunday. In the homily I reflect on our relationship with Christ the Good Shepherd.

Of your charity please pray for the soul of Fr Cadoc who passed on Friday. He was the parish priest of Cambourne, and had only discovered he had liver cancer only the week before. His parishioners did not know he was ill before receiving the notice of his death. He was able to write to them shortly before he died:

My very dear parishioners, a terminal illness prevents me from being of further service to you except by my prayers and whatever I endure. It is more possible for me, a man who does not easily express emotions, to say in writing what great happiness it has given me to be your parish priest over these last five years, and become friends with so many of you. How dear you all are to me, as St Paul simply puts it. When I think of this, I think especially of my encounter with your devotion to our Blessed Saviour, shown in your service to His Body the Church, as He comes to us, sacrificing Himself for us in the Holy Mass; and I think of your closeness to His Holy Mother, from whose hands comes the grace that unites us to Him. If you persist in these things, your prayer for me, which I know I shall have because of the immense amount of kindness and affection you have shown me over these five years, will certainly be heard, along with all your other prayers. Our prayers are heard since we are in union with our Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives must always consist of remaining within that union. Grace will come to us through Mary’s hands to do that, if we ask it. Fr Cadoc.
Fr Cadoc was a Norbertine Canon and one of his confreres was with him when he died and so he was able to receive the Last Rites of the Church. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.

If you wish to hear the homily only then you can listen to it by pressing the white arrowhead inside the orange circle below:-

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Reflections on Worship in Sacrifice